
#1 Jayne Welsh - Career Coach, Therapist

Chris Mayo Season 2 Episode 1

Podcast Time Stamps:

0:00 - Jayne introduces herself and the PCP (professional career partnership)

4:50 - The idiosyncrasies of a legal career

6:20 - Leaving the firm/the law

8:07 - What happens after Partnership?

9:20 - Managing your own career as a lawyer

11:11 – Having tough conversations

16:20 – Therapy in law

22:39 – Types of Therapy 

30:00 – Lockdown and Mental Health

34:30 – Trainees in Lockdown 

36:00 – Wellness in Law firms

48:15 – Saying thank you can matter more than money

49:50 – How are you really? Being honest about mental health